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Braided Tubing For Medical Application

Use of Braided Tubing Braided tubing is an extruded form of encompassing metals and fibers in the form of a braid. This braid is inside two layerings between the polymers. With the use of the extrusion process, the melted metals come in contact with a die. This die produces in braided tubing which has further… Continue reading Braided Tubing For Medical Application

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A Brief Introduction to Co-Extrusion

Introduction to Co-extrusion Here is an introduction to co-extrusion. Co-extrusion involves the process of the formation of an extrudate. In order to understand co-extrusion, it is important to understand what extrudate means. Extrudation is a composition of one or more than one thermoplastics in the melted form to achieve a desired shape or figure. The process… Continue reading A Brief Introduction to Co-Extrusion

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What is Thin Wall Tubing?

Thin Wall Tubing Many industries and businesses have incorporated the use of thin wall tubing.  It has become quite successful due to its multi-functional properties. The use of thin wall tubing includes attention to detail when it comes to applications related to the medical field. The reason thin wall tubing needs to the very precise… Continue reading What is Thin Wall Tubing?

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Replacing Double Lumen Tube with Single Lumen Tube

Replacement of a Double Lumen Tube with a Single Lumen Tube DLT, also known as the Double Lumen Tube, is quite frequent in different surgeries. Many doctors use it for different procedures.  When performing complex surgical procedures the use of a double-lumen tube is compulsory in surgeries related to thoracic. Its use becomes inevitable. During… Continue reading Replacing Double Lumen Tube with Single Lumen Tube

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